English dictionary of medical terms (38)

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[Multilingual]No:740 - haematuria
(haemat- + Gr. ouron urine + -ia) blood in the urine.
[Multilingual]No:741 - haemeralopia
(Gr. hmera day + alaos blind + -opia) day blindness; defective vision in a bright light.
[Multilingual]No:742 - haemodialysis
the removal of certain elements from the blood by virtue of the difference in the rates of their diffusion through a semipermeable membrane, e.g., by means of a haemodialyzer.
[Multilingual]No:743 - haemolysis
(haemo- + Gr. lysis dissolution) disruption of the integrity of the red cell membrane causing release of haemoglobin. Haemolysis may be caused by bacterial haemolysins, by antibodies that cause complement-dependent lysis, by placing red cells in a hyptonic solution, or by defects in the red cell membrane.
[Multilingual]No:744 - haemopathy
(haemo- + Gr. pathos disease) any disease of the blood.
[Multilingual]No:745 - haemoperfusion
1. the act of pouring over or through, especially the passage of blood through the vessels of a specific organ. 2. blood poured over or through an organ or tissue.
[Multilingual]No:746 - haemophilia
(haemo- + -philia) a haemorrhagic diathesis occurring in two main forms : (1) haemophilia A (classic haemophilia, factor VIII deficiency), an X-linked disorder due to deficiency of coagulation factor VIII; (2) haemophilia B (factor IX deficiency, Christmas disease), also X-linked, due to deficiency of coagulation factor IX. Both forms are determined by a mutant gene near the telomere of the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq), but a different loci, and are characterized by subcutaneous and intramuscular haemorrhages; bleeding from the mouth, gums, lips, and tongue; haematuria; and haemarthroses.
[Multilingual]No:747 - haemopoietic
haematopoietic; pertaining to or effecting the formation of blood cells.
[Multilingual]No:748 - haemoptysis
(haemo- + Gr. ptyein to spit) the expectoration of blood or of blood-stained sputum.
[Multilingual]No:749 - haemorrhage
(haemo- + Gr. rhgnynai to burst forth) the escape of blood from the vessels; bleeding. Small haemorrhages are classified according to size as petechiae (very small), purpura (up to 1 cm), and ecchymoses (larger). The massive accumulation of blood within a tissue is called a haematoma.
[Multilingual]No:750 - haemorrhoid
(Gr. haimorrhois) a varicose dilatation of a vein of the superior or inferior haemorrhoidal plexus, resulting from a persistent increase in venous pressure.
[Multilingual]No:751 - haemostasis
(haemo- + Gr. stasis halt) the arrest of bleeding, either by the physiological properties of vasoconstriction and coagulation or by surgical means.
[Multilingual]No:752 - hallucination
(L. hallucinatio; Gr. alyein to wander in the mind) a sense perception without a source in the external world; a perception of an external stimulus object in the absence of such an object.
[Multilingual]No:753 - haematological
relating to haematology, that is that branch of medical science which treats of the morphology of the blood and blood-forming tissues.
[Multilingual]No:754 - hemiplegia
(haemi- + Gr. plg stroke) paralysis of one side of the body.
[Multilingual]No:755 - hepatic
(L. hepaticus; Gr. hpatikos) pertaining to the liver.
[Multilingual]No:756 - hepatitis
(hepat- + -itis) inflammation of the liver.
[Multilingual]No:757 - hepatobiliary
pertaining to the liver and the bile or the biliary ducts.
[Multilingual]No:758 - hepatocellular
pertaining to or affecting liver cells.
[Multilingual]No:759 - hepatomegaly
enlargement of the liver.

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