English dictionary of medical terms (09)

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[Multilinguale]No:160 - antispasmodic
an agent that relieves spasm.
[Multilinguale]No:161 - antithrombotic
preventing or interfering with the formation of thrombi; an agent that so acts.
[Multilinguale]No:162 - antitoxin
a purified antiserum from animals (usually horses) immunized by injections of a toxin or toxoid, administered as a passive immunizing agent to neutralize a specific bacterial toxin, e.g., botulinus, tetanus or diphtheria.
[Multilinguale]No:163 - antitumour
counteracting tumour formation.
[Multilinguale]No:164 - antitussive
an agent that relieves or prevents cough.
[Multilinguale]No:165 - antiviral
destroying viruses or suppressing their replication.
[Multilinguale]No:166 - anuria
(an neg. + Gr. ouron urine + -ia) complete suppression of urinary secretion by the kidneys; called also anuresis.
[Multilinguale]No:167 - anus
(L. 'ring', 'circle') the distal or terminal orifice of the alimentary canal.
[Multilinguale]No:168 - anxiety
the unpleasant emotional state consisting of psychophysiological responses to anticipation of unreal or imagined danger, ostensibly resulting from unrecognized intrapsychic conflict. Physiological concomitants include increased heart rate, altered respiration rate, sweating, trembling, weakness, and fatigue; psychological concomitants include feelings of impending danger, powerlessness, apprehension, and tension.
[Multilinguale]No:169 - anxiolytic
an anxiolytic or antianxiety agent.
[Multilinguale]No:170 - apathy
(Gr. apatheia) lack of feeling or emotion; indifference.
[Multilinguale]No:171 - aphasia
(a neg. + Gr. phasis speech) defect or loss of the power of expression by speech, writing, or signs, or of comprehending spoken or written language, due to injury or disease of the brain centres.
[Multilinguale]No:172 - aplasia
(a neg. + Gr. plassein to form) lack of development of an organ or tissue, or of the cellular products from an organ or tissue. Cf. hypoplasia.
[Multilinguale]No:173 - aplastic anaemia
a form of anaemia generally unresponsive to specific antianaemia therapy, often accompanied by granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia, in which the bone marrow may not necessarily be acellular or hypoplastic but fails to produce adequate numbers of peripheral blood elements. The term actually is all-inclusive and most probably encompasses several clinical syndromes.
[Multilinguale]No:174 - apnoea
cessation of breathing.
[Multilinguale]No:175 - application
employment as a means; specific use.
[Multilinguale]No:176 - approximate
[Multilinguale]No:177 - aqueous
watery; prepared with water.
[Multilinguale]No:178 - aromatic
(L. aromaticus; Gr. aromatikos) having a spicy odour.
[Multilinguale]No:179 - arrhythmia
(a neg. + Gr. rhythmos rhythm) any variation from the normal rhythm of the heart beat, including sinus arrhythmia, premature beat, heart block, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, pulsus alternans, and paroxysmal tachycardia.

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