English dictionary of medical terms (43)

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[Multilingual]No:840 - iatrogenic
(iatro- + Gr. gennan to produce) resulting from the activity of physicians. Originally applied to disorders induced in the patient by autosuggestion based on the physician's examination, manner, or discussion, the term is now applied to any adverse condition in a patient occurring as the result of treatment by a physician or surgeon, especially to infections acquired by the patient during the course of treatment. Cf. nosocomial.
[Multilingual]No:841 - ichthyosis
(ichthy- + -osis) a group of cutaneous disorders characterized by increased or aberrant keratinization, resulting in noninflammatory scaling of the skin. Many different metaphors have been used to describe the appearance and texture of the skin in the various types and stages of ichthyosis, e.g. alligator, collodion, crocodile, fish, and porcupine skin. Most ichthyoses are genetically determined, while some may be acquired and develop in association with various systemic diseases or be a prominent feature in certain genetic syndromes. The term is commonly used alone to refer to i. vulgaris.
[Multilingual]No:842 - icterus
(L.; Gr. ikteros) jaundice.
[Multilingual]No:843 - identical
having the same cause or origin.
[Multilingual]No:844 - identification
an unconscious defense mechanism by which a person patterns himself after another person.
[Multilingual]No:845 - idiopathic
of the nature of an idiopathy; self-originated; of unknown causation.
[Multilingual]No:846 - idiosyncrasy
(idio- + Gr. synkrasis mixture) an abnormal susceptibility to some drug, protein, or other agent which is peculiar to the individual.
[Multilingual]No:847 - ileitis
inflammation of the ileum.
[Multilingual]No:848 - ileus
(L.; Gr. eileos, from eilein to roll up) obstruction of the intestines.
[Multilingual]No:849 - immaturity
the state or quality of being unripe or not fully developed.
[Multilingual]No:850 - immobilization
the act of rendering immovable, as by a cast or splint.
[Multilingual]No:851 - immune
(L. immunis free, exempt) protected against, infectious disease by either specific or nonspecific mechanisms.
[Multilingual]No:852 - immunity
(L. immunitas) the condition of being immune; the protection against infectious disease conferred either by the immune response generated by immunization or previous infection or by other nonimmunologic factors (innate i.).
[Multilingual]No:853 - immunization
the induction of immunity.
[Multilingual]No:854 - immunogenic
producing immunity; evoking an immune response.
[Multilingual]No:855 - immunologic, immunological
pertaining to immunology.
[Multilingual]No:856 - immunosuppressant
an agent capable of suppressing immune responses.
[Multilingual]No:857 - impetigo
a contagious pyoderma caused by direct inoculation of group A streptococci or Staphylococcus aureus into superficial cutaneous abrasions or compromised skin, most commonly seen in children, usually located on the face, especially about the nose and mouth, and characterized by the presence of discrete fragile vesicles surrounded by an erythematous border that become pustular and rupture to discharge a thin, amber-coloured seropurulent fluid that dries and forms a thick yellowish crust; the pustules may spread peripherally with central healing, evolving into annular, circinate, or gyrate patterns; Called also i. contagiosa, i. vulgaris and streptococcal i.
[Multilingual]No:858 - implantation
(L. in into + plantare to set) the insertion or grafting into the body of biological, living, inert, or radioactive material.
[Multilingual]No:859 - implication
a possible later effect of an action.

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