English dictionary of medical terms (36)

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[Multilingual]No:700 - gangrene
(L. gangraena; Gr. gangraina an eating sore, which ends in mortification) death of tissue, usually in considerable mass and generally associated with loss of vascular (nutritive) supply and followed by bacterial invasion and putrefaction. Cf. necrosis.
[Multilingual]No:701 - gastralgia
(gastr- + -algia) gastric colic.
[Multilingual]No:702 - gastritis
(gastr- + -itis) inflammation of the stomach.
[Multilingual]No:703 - gastroduodenal
pertaining to or communicating with the stomach and duodenum, as a gastroduodenal fistula.
[Multilingual]No:704 - gastroenteritis
(gastro- + enteritis) an acute inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines, characterized by anorexia, nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and weakness, which has various causes, including food poisoning due to infection with such organisms as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella species; consumption of irritating food or drink; or psychological factors such as anger, stress, and fear. Called also enterogastritis.
[Multilingual]No:705 - gastrointestinal
(gastro- + intestinal) pertaining to or communicating with the stomach and intestine, as a gastrointestinal fistula.
[Multilingual]No:706 - gastrooesophageal
pertaining to the stomach and oesophagus, as the gastrooesophageal junction.
[Multilingual]No:707 - genetic
pertaining to reproduction, or to birth or origin.
[Multilingual]No:708 - genital
(L. genitalis belonging to birth) pertaining to the genitalia.
[Multilingual]No:709 - genitourinary
pertaining to the genital and urinary organs; urogenital; urinosexual.
[Multilingual]No:710 - geriatric
pertaining to the treatment of the aged.
[Multilingual]No:711 - germicide
an agent that kills pathogenic microorganisms.
[Multilingual]No:712 - gestation
(L. gestatio, from gestare to bear) the period of development of the young in viviparous animals, from the time of fertilization of the ovum until birth.
[Multilingual]No:713 - gingivitis
(gingiv- + -itis) inflammation of the gingivae. Gingivitis associated with bony changes is referred to as periodontitis. Called also oulitis and ulitis.
[Multilingual]No:714 - glaucoma
(Gr. glaukoma opacity of the crystalline lens (from the dull grey gleam of the affected eye)) a group of eye diseases characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure which causes pathological changes in the optic disk and typical defects in the field of vision.
[Multilingual]No:715 - glomerular
pertaining to or of the nature of a glomerulus, especially a renal glomerulus.
[Multilingual]No:716 - glomerulonephritis
(glomerulus +nephritis) a variety of nephritis characterized by inflammation of the capillary loops in the glomeruli of the kidney. It occurs in acute, subacute, and chronic forms and may be secondary to haemolytic streptococcal infection. Evidence also supports possible immune or autoimmune mechanisms.
[Multilingual]No:717 - glossitis
(gloss- + -itis) inflammation of the tongue.
[Multilingual]No:718 - glossodynia
(glosso- + Gr. odyn pain) pain in the tongue; glossalgia.
[Multilingual]No:719 - glottis
(Gr. glottis) (NA) the vocal apparatus of the larynx, consisting of the true vocal cords (plica) vocalis) and the opening between them (rima glottidis).

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