English dictionary of medical terms (14)

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[Multilingual]No:260 - bronchoconstriction
the act or process of decreasing the calibre of a bronchus; bronchostenosis.
[Multilingual]No:261 - bronchodilatation
a dilated state of a bronchus or the site at which a bronchus is dilated.
[Multilingual]No:262 - bronchopneumonia
(bronchus + pneumonia) a name given to an inflammation of the lungs which usually begins in the terminal bronchioles. These become clogged with a mucopurulent exudate forming consolidated patches in adjacent lobules. The disease is frequently secondary in character, following infections of the upper respiratory tract, specific infectious fevers, and debilitating diseases. In infants and debilitated persons of any age it may occur as a primary affection. Called also bronchial pneumonia, bronchiolitis, bronchoalveolitis, bronchopneumonitis, catarrhal pneumonia, lobular pneumonia, capillary bronchitis and vesicular bronchiolitis.
[Multilingual]No:263 - bronchopulmonary
pertaining to the lungs and their air passages; both bronchial and pulmonary.
[Multilingual]No:264 - bronchospasm
spasmodic contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, as occurs in asthma.
[Multilingual]No:265 - bronchus
(L.; Gr. bronchos windpipe) any of the larger air passages of the lungs, having an outer fibrous coat with irregularly placed plates of hyaline cartilage, an interlacing network of smooth muscle, and a mucous membrane of columnar ciliated epithelial cells.
[Multilingual]No:266 - buccal
(L. buccalis, from bucca cheek) pertaining to or directed toward the cheek. In dental anatomy, used to refer to the buccal surface of a tooth.
[Multilingual]No:267 - buccopharyngeal
pertaining to the mouth and pharynx.
[Multilingual]No:268 - bulbar
pertaining to a bulb; pertaining to or involving the medulla oblongata, as bulbar paralysis.
[Multilingual]No:269 - bullous
pertaining to or characterized by bullae.
[Multilingual]No:270 - bursitis
inflammation of a bursa, occasionally accompanied by a calcific deposit in the underlying supraspinatus tendon; the most common site is the subdeltoid bursa.
[Multilingual]No:271 - cachexia
(cac- + Gr. hexis habit + -ia) a profound and marked state of constitutional disorder; general ill health and malnutrition.
[Multilingual]No:272 - calcaemia
(calcium + Gr. haima blood + -ia) hypercalcaemia, an excess of calcium in the blood; manifestations include fatigability, muscle weakness, depression, anorexia, nausea, and constipation.
[Multilingual]No:273 - calcification
(calcium + L. facere to make) the process by which organic tissue becomes hardened by a deposit of calcium salts within its substance.
[Multilingual]No:274 - calciuria
the presence of calcium in the urine.
[Multilingual]No:275 - calculus I
(L. 'pebble') an abnormal concretion occurring within the animal body and usually composed of mineral salts.
[Multilingual]No:276 - calculus II
also called tartar. Dentistry a hard, yellowish to brownish-black deposit or teeth formed largely through the mineralization of dead bacteria in dental plaques by the calcium salts in salivary secretions and subgingival transudates.
[Multilingual]No:277 - candidiasis
infection with a fungus of the genus Candida. It is usually a superficial infection of the moist cutaneous areas of the body, and is generally caused by C. albicans; it most commonly involves the skin (dermatocandidiasis), oral mucous membranes (thrush, def. 1), respiratory tract (bronchocandidiasis), and vagina (vaginitis). Rarely there is a systemic infection or endocarditis. Called also moniliasis, candidosis, oidiomycosis, and formerly blastodendriosis.
[Multilingual]No:278 - cannula
(L. dim. of canna 'reed') a tube for insertion into a duct or cavity; during insertion its lumen is usually occupied by a trocar.
[Multilingual]No:279 - capacity
(L. capacitas, from capere to take) power or ability to hold, retain, or contain, or the ability to absorb.

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